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Monday, May 16, 2011

who is sin cara wrestler unmasked

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  • liavman
    Apr 15, 10:02 AM
    You could make the argument that a certain amount of bullying is actually a good thing because it forces kids to develop a thick skin and learn how to deal with aggressive and negative people.

    Not the kind of bullying that leads to suicide.

    who is sin cara wrestler unmasked. sin cara wrestler unmasked.
  • sin cara wrestler unmasked.

  • AidenShaw
    Jul 12, 11:22 PM
    SW engineers usually optimize their systems with expectations of the environment they will run in. Pro-level applications often run much better in systems that use SMP, but not all. Sometimes it is better to pipeline a few processes at high speed, rather than do a lot of task swapping. Most of Apples core customer's application seem to benefit from SMP. So, that is what they are going to expect from Pro-level hardware.
    Please don't confuse SMP with multi-socket. You must have an SMP (or even an ASMP) operating system to use any computer with more than one core.

    It doesn't matter if the two cores are in one socket or two - both require SMP in order to manage the cores.

    Saying that a dual-socket system is "SMP" and a single-socket dual-core system is "not SMP" shows that you don't quite understand the computer technology required to do multi-processing.

    who is sin cara wrestler unmasked. who is sin cara wrestler
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  • jmcrutch
    Mar 18, 09:41 AM
    you can buy an iPhone without signing a contract (eBay, from a friend, etc.) however you cannot get service for the iPhone (in the U.S. at least) without entering into an agreement with a carrier, which a court will enforce as a contract, regardless whether there's a physical signature or not.

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  • macidiot
    Jul 12, 05:24 PM
    Dude, take a chill-pill. Why does it matter so much to you if he uses XP?

    I don't really care if he uses xp. I've loaded boot camp on my mbp. If xp better suits your needs, go for it.

    The point was that pretty much everything he said was bogus and flame bait. Sadly, I took the bait.

    who is sin cara wrestler unmasked. sin cara wrestler unmasked.
  • sin cara wrestler unmasked.

  • flopticalcube
    Apr 24, 12:09 PM
    And Fear.

    And an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope...

    who is sin cara wrestler unmasked. sin cara wrestler unmasked.
  • sin cara wrestler unmasked.

  • toxic
    Apr 5, 09:13 PM
    - "enter" (return) is no longer "open", it's "rename". cmd-down is open file/folder
    - no cut in Finder
    - when deleting from a removable drive, the file is not deleted and storage space restored until the trash is emptied
    - fewer customization options and less straightforward to implement
    - Office cross-platform compatibility stinks
    - HFS+ (filesystem) is more vulnerable to corruption
    - Finder sorting stinks

    not all of the above is necessarily worse, just different

    who is sin cara wrestler unmasked. sin cara wrestler unmasked.
  • sin cara wrestler unmasked.

  • WiiDSmoker
    Apr 20, 08:58 PM
    Nope, doesn't work that way for many viruses. Even if you have show hidden files and folders and show hidden system files check to show they still don't necessarily show thats the problem, its either a bug in the OS or something legit that people are exploiting. You can't even get them in command prompt but you can see them when plugged into other OS's. They are usually in a folder along with a script that does something to keep them hidden, or something somewhere else keeps them hidden.

    I honestly have no idea how you have the job that you do, because you fail tremendously in this aspect.

    who is sin cara wrestler unmasked. who is sin cara wrestler
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  • Multimedia
    Oct 31, 06:16 PM
    This discussion is rather amusing in a way - "don't buy 4 cores, wait for 8 cores!" etc. - yeah, and in a few months it'll be "don't buy 8 cores, wait for 16 cores!" and then 32 cores, blah blah, ad infinitum... :p ;) :D :cool:No kidding. :rolleyes: All I want is to compress video faster than I can with the 4-core Mac Pro - that's IT. So if it won't do that, I'll just have a cow and go to bed for six months. :eek:

    who is sin cara wrestler unmasked. sin cara wrestler unmasked.
  • sin cara wrestler unmasked.

    Oct 30, 02:24 AM
    I have to agree there as well. My G5 Quad is one of the nicest computers I've ever owned. Definitely one of the top 3, possibly the best. And that's saying a lot considering the types of PCs and Unix systems I've owned over the years. I've never had one bit of trouble with it and it's still rather powerful compared to what's out there now. Although, I can see why people would want to sell... I've been watching the G5 systems selling on ebay, hoping I could get a deal on another one, but it's not happening. They're going for just as much as a new one did last January. I could probably sell mine (8GB RAM, FX4500, 2x500GB HD) for more than what I paid for it initially.. Very tempting and I may consider that in another month when the 8-core Mac Pros are released. Because while the G5 Quad is an awesome system, the reality is that as soon as all my software goes universal, it becomes obsolete. ...I have no use for Classic or anything that's still PowerPC native. The only software I use that hasn't made the universal/Intel transition is Adobe CS2. And it runs OK as is on my MBP, not great, but at least it's usable and still faster than it was on my older dual G4.

    Ouch! You do make an Outstanding Case for that 8 Core MacPro. For Sure. Okay, so maybe I would be tempted to sell my Quad G5. Scary. . ..

    who is sin cara wrestler unmasked. sin cara wrestler unmasked.
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  • aricher
    Aug 29, 10:57 AM
    It's a very sad reality indeed.

    who is sin cara wrestler unmasked. who is sin cara wrestler
  • who is sin cara wrestler

  • ACED
    Mar 18, 04:15 PM
    Like, where's my credit for providing Macrumors with the link/story, about 8 hours ago???

    Guess that 'DRM' has been stripped....hmmm...the irony

    who is sin cara wrestler unmasked. who is sin cara wrestler
  • who is sin cara wrestler

  • Marx55
    Oct 26, 03:09 AM

    Multitasking, multiprocessor, multithreading Mac OS X and applications are needed right now and will be much needed in the future.

    Because microprocessors will evolve not with more Mhz, but basically with more cores and more microprocessors per Mac.

    And the same on Linux and Windows. So, hopefully, default true multithreading is around the corner. Or else all this power will be wasted for most applications.


    who is sin cara wrestler unmasked. sin cara wrestler unmasked.
  • sin cara wrestler unmasked.

  • Blue Velvet
    Sep 26, 01:35 AM
    Can I ask a question? I'm a bit non-technical when it comes to things like this.

    When particular apps aren't designed to use multiple processors � let's just say randomly, oooo... Adobe Illustrator, for example � what benefit would a machine like this have? Would it run exactly the same as on single processor of the same speed?

    Thanks to anyone who can clarify this for me. :)

    who is sin cara wrestler unmasked. sin cara wrestler unmasked.
  • sin cara wrestler unmasked.

  • UWF404
    Jul 7, 09:51 PM
    My very first call dropped and when I grip the phone as one would naturally hold the phone I lose 3 bars. The phone looks cooler than the older 3GS. However, the sharper edges make it uncomfortable to hold compared to old phone. The supposed upgraded screen seems to me only marginally better. That said, who here who has a 3GS ever said "geez, if only the screen was better" :rolleyes:

    The glass on both sides to me is just down right stupid. Just because you it looks cooler does not mean it's functionally better. It only makes the phone more delicate and prone to damage. This phone is a case study of design not in sync with engineering.This phone feels delicate and no as sturdy like the 3GS. All in all I'd give it a thumbs down and I'm baffled at Apple for putting out this phone.

    who is sin cara wrestler unmasked. sin cara wrestler unmasked.
  • sin cara wrestler unmasked.

  • nagromme
    Mar 18, 12:54 PM
    Anyway, I've never been one to agree with the Windows people that argue the security-by-obscurity for why Mac OS X is not hacked to bits like Windows, but it would seem that this adds aome serious fire to their arguement.

    Obscurity IS a factor that helps Mac users. The point is that good, secure design is ALSO a factor. But DRM file distribution doesn't relate to OS security/privacy anyway.

    Anyway... you still have to BUY the song to use this hack.

    who is sin cara wrestler unmasked. who is sin cara wrestler
  • who is sin cara wrestler

  • CoryTV
    Apr 12, 10:33 PM
    Ugh... you guys speak as if you are all full-time film editors...

    The new features are amazing! The hall that they presented at, well they were pretty much all "pros" in the industry. They were all pretty much PSYCHED about these features..

    For what it's worth, I'm a film production major...

    I'm a full time professional editor who has edited on Avid since 1997 and FCP since 2005.. Does that not count? Almost every 'pro film' editor I have ever met (and I'm talking people who make hollywood films) barely knows how to turn the machine on.

    who is sin cara wrestler unmasked. sin cara wrestler unmasked.
  • sin cara wrestler unmasked.

  • Aduntu
    Apr 22, 08:36 PM
    You referring to the big bang, or those reported six days?

    Well, considering the six days doesn't refer to six literal days, I must be referring to the big bang.

    who is sin cara wrestler unmasked. sin cara wrestler unmasked.
  • sin cara wrestler unmasked.

  • emotion
    Sep 21, 01:36 PM
    Hey at least you guys had U2 before we did.:)

    Jeez, and that's a good thing??!

    who is sin cara wrestler unmasked. who is sin cara wrestler
  • who is sin cara wrestler

  • Moyank24
    Mar 25, 11:52 PM
    Prove why I should be denied the right to copulate in public, and think of the children is not an acceptable answer

    Give me a break. Now you are just minimizing what is a violation of civil rights.

    sure, homosexuals can go to a "church" and have a "wedding" ceremony, no one is preventing them.

    Being able to have a "wedding ceremony" is not the issue. It's having the same rights as our heterosexual counterparts. This involves about 1000 tax benefits and simple things like hospital visitation.

    Men are allowed to get married to women and vice versa everyone is equal (regardless of the reason).

    We will be equal when men are allowed to marry men and women are allowed to marry women. There was a time when a Black man and white woman didn't have the right to get married. That wrong was righted and so will this one.

    The Catholic Church recognizes that people don't choose to be homosexual, however it does recognize that acting on those urges is entirely their choice. Chastity is what they are called to.

    Luckily I don't recognize what the Catholic Church recognizes. So they can call themselves to chastity. As I said, they need to worry about cleaning their own house, and stay out of mine.

    May 6, 09:27 AM
    Ultimately, yes - that's probably the only realistic solution AT&T has, and they *are* adding new cell towers all the time. I got SMS messages a couple of times announcing new ones they put online in my city, over the last year or so.

    But there's a technology battle here they're on the losing end of, as well. The CDMA network providers have an advantage automatically, because the frequencies they use penetrate structures better than the GSM network frequencies used by AT&T and T-Mobile. (Note that T-Mobile was the other carrier with equal customer dissatisfaction to AT&T in the bar graph ranking that metric.)

    I have Verizon and I think I've had two dropped calls in years.

    AT&T really needs to get more towers up, that's the only solution in my mind.


    ender land
    Apr 23, 10:50 PM
    In another forum that I left recently (because of the poor quality of discussion) someone used this same type of argument to "prove" the existence of aliens visiting the Earth.

    And this invalidates what I said how? I'm not even trying to "prove" anything. Of course it doesn't prove something. But statistics are annoying. Maybe moreso to me because of my math/science background.

    I'm sorry, but that sentence makes no sense at all.

    Perhaps you should define atheism for me.

    I was under the impression it was the belief no god(s) existed. Which would then lead to someone with atheistic beliefs affirming the veracity of the statement "there are no god(s)."

    edit, iphone3gs16gb, yeah you really do ;)

    Mar 13, 11:46 PM
    Well they shot a lot of nukes at Bikini Atol and that was near the islands where they can observer it. It didn't "create a tsunami" either. Maybe some small waves and such only and they fired off a lot of nukes there. Of course there will be some degree of radioactivity increase, but think about how much damage a tsunami like this does. It's a tradeoff.

    I hope you are aware that Bikini Atol is exactly where Godzilla was born.

    Sep 12, 05:08 PM
    As an IT consultant, I recommend for anyone who's thinking of using an Airport Express for audio or a Mac Mini for a living room computer (or now this new iTV that will come out next year) to just spend the money on getting a wired connection. Ultimately, wireless will not be at the quality it needs to be to handle this throughput CONSISTENTLY. I still get skips on my Airpot Express when streaming from iTunes. When I had my Mac Mini wireless and I tried using Front Row to watch movies from other computers (similar to what iTV is supposed to do) it had a real spotty connection sometimes. The consistency and reliability of a wired connection is yet to be paralleled with anything else.

    I agree 100%. Wireless loses to wired everytime. In addition before too long there are going to be so many 80211 type devices, and phones that soon the bandwidth will get crowded and error prone.

    Mar 18, 03:01 PM
    Personally I think this is great! Any sort of DRM sucks, even if it is rather "liberal". That's like giving all your customers in your shop a pair of handcuffs to prevent theft, and saying "but these cuffs are really comfortable".

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