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Monday, May 16, 2011

selena gomez 2011 hairstyles

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  • dgree03
    Apr 28, 02:38 PM
    Huh? A 2008 MBP should have no problem running iTunes.

    Flash for Mac sucks even on the most high-end Macs. Why do you think Mac users tend to dislike Flash? It's not the Mac - it's Adobe.

    Flash on my Air runs wonderfully... :rolleyes:

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  • 63dot
    Apr 23, 04:03 PM
    I believe in God or a higher power as some would call it.

    However, I do understand atheists and people who ask, "Is there a God if this or that terrible event happens?" (war, gang violence, greedy corporations, etc.)

    People know where I stand when I quote them John 3:16 from the Bible and once anybody reads the Bible in its context in the New Testament, they will realize that God is not a referee and we have our free will. Part of free will is having the human race run things and so far, things have been pretty bad.

    The hope is, some say (including me), is that the human race may come to the conclusion that man is the most evil species (and destructive species) ever to live on this planet. We as a species don't deserve to be on top of the food chain.

    Let's just say for a second there is no God. Then what a sad planet we live on if the future is up to us humans. my two cents

    That being said, there is a lot of good people on earth, perhaps a majority of people. But the evil people, especially the ones with power/money/weapons, are more than enough to destroy this planet and frankly, I am surprised we are still here. I could say it's because God intervened but since the departure of Christ, and before the second coming, the human race is all alone on this planet and in the way of any maladies we create for ourselves. Who knows if God is letting us alone to learn a lesson, or learn to treat each other better, but the process has been painful of man trying to govern themselves and simply get along with each other and the environment they live in.

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  • Blipp
    Apr 12, 11:26 AM
    Boy, I've read the first few pages of this thread and have come to the overwhelming conclusion that most people posting differences on here between Windows/OSX simply don't know how or haven't learned yet how to fully use OS X. The majority of complaints seem to simply be people who don't know the key commands to do what they're blaming OS X for lacking. If something is that disruptive to your workflow why aren't you guys doing the minimal amount of research it would take to solve the issue?

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  • Mord
    Jul 12, 01:54 PM
    I am very disappointed in you Hector , you of all people should know better then to post something like this. Do u not realise that the Intel deal ment apple dosen't have to do it's own R&D anymore when it came to chip sets.

    APPLE IS USING INTEL STOCK PARTS incase you didn't know , so mixing the MacPro with Conroe/Woody would not cost a dime more. they will use a basic P965 chipset for Conroe and 5000X Chipset for Woody.

    any and ever motherboard has been designed with the chips lay out and logic requested by the vendor, in this case apple, the fact that they don't develop their own electronics changes nothing, freescale/IBM made the chipsets before the switch nothing has changed, apple outsourced the design of the board to intel sure but they are paying intel to do so somehow, anyway, the cost of support and manufacture rockets up too.

    more i'm disappointed in you, i haven't seen you post in a year or so and your still the same childish n00b who completely misses the point.

    the mac pro will be a pro machine, apple has never done a consumer tower and likely never will.

    woodcrest is just conroe with SMP, overclocking is exactly the same, as in non existent due to EFI. professionals do not overclock their macs.

    go play with your toys.

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  • DakotaGuy
    Oct 9, 10:11 PM
    I headed into the city after I was done teaching today and decided to go into the Gateway Country store and check out the new PC's. They are FAST and XP does seem just as nice as OSX. The guy quoted me some great prices as well. I want an all in one so I am looking at getting a new Profile. The guy told me that it is a lot faster then the iMac because the iMac has only 800MHz and even the cheapest Profile has a 1.7 Ghz processor. I use a computer at home for things like internet, email, digital photography, MP3's, etc. He showed me how great XP handles all of that stuff. I was impressed, before everyone slams the PC they really should go out and check out the new ones running XP.

    Like I said before I never considered getting a PC, but after reading comments over and over by people on here I can see their point on what computer is becoming a better value for people like me who use a computer like I do.

    It will probably be about a year until I get a new computer, I feel comfortable with the Mac and I do like OSX, but they seem like they are becoming poorer and poorer machines. My magical price point is around $1200-$1500 and I can't go over that. Like I said before it will probably be a year before I actually upgrade my desktop. I love my iBook and won't part with that, but I might try a Profile for a new desktop. I like the new eMac for the price, but by next year the eMac might be at 1 GHz but the Profile will probably be at 3Ghz and it just seems like a very poor value for the price.

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  • theBB
    Jul 12, 12:38 PM
    Unless Apple bucks their own trend of charging more for the Intel Mac replacements over the G4/G5 units, we may be in for a rather large increase at the higher end on up. Intel processors cost more than G4/G5 processors. The high end of any processor costs a lot more than the slower ones of the same type. Does all of this add up to price decreases or price increases? As much as I would like to see a price decrease, to me that just does not add up.
    The only G5 machine replaced by an Intel version has been iMac and its price stayed the same.

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  • citizenzen
    Mar 14, 03:25 PM
    It would require a multi-tiered approach.

    I've been away for a few days and have missed this discussion.

    The solution does indeed need to be multi-tiered and intelligently applied. I've heard that the Japanese Nuclear plants were built to survive a strong earthquake or a tsunami, but not both. Well what often occurs when you get a strong earthquake offshore? That's right, a tsunami! Brilliant planning!

    As for solar, it should be mandatory on new construction in areas such as Los Angeles, Phoenix, Las Vegas. It won't solve our energy needs but it will lessen them. Use the appropriate alternative technology where it will do the most good. Don't try to ship solar generated electricity across the country, just try to take advantage of it in localities that typically experience a number of sunny days.

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  • kazmac
    Apr 28, 07:50 AM
    No surprise the iPad is just a fad and people are starting to realize how limited it is. Its frustrating on a lot of cool websites and no file system makes it very limited.

    I used to think like you until I bought an iPad last week.

    > I don't miss many sites as I hate flash so no agreement there.

    the file system > hope that will be sorted out eventually, but it's not so much of an annoyance for me to worry about it. I'm enjoying my iPad, not forgetting it will cut my phone bill down $60 since it killed my interest in the iPhone. :)

    As far as the article 188% is impressive.

    As far as Mac sales, hey millions are being sold every quarter. That's insane. I don't ever remember Mac sales like this when I first turned to Macs in the mid 90s.

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  • peharri
    Sep 24, 05:08 PM
    The iTV most definitely requires a computer.

    There's no evidence of this. Nothing has been said suggesting anything of the sort.

    The iTV is a like a suped up Airport extreme for video.

    No, it isn't. It's not remotely like an Airport Extreme.

    It has already been demoed and it requires a computer. The computer streams the iTunes content to the iTV and the iTV receives the stream and translates it into video and audio out via an HDMI or SVGA connection to your TV.

    This is not the case. There's only been one demonstration so far, and the controlling part was the iTV, not the server.

    The iTV also supports front row and allows remote control of the iTunes source machine.

    What was demonstrated was a box that can view iTunes libraries on the local network. There's no evidence it "controls" the source machine beyond telling it to send a stream (like any iTunes client.)

    There maybe more features in the future but those are the reported and demoed features.
    The reported and demo'd features are of a standalone box that can access iTunes libraries. The box is reported to have storage (which is what this entire thread is about!)

    It most certainly is not of some souped up Airport Extreme. That was what was widely rumoured before the Showtime presentation, and it turned out to be completely false. Whatever the debate of the precise capabilities of the iTV may be, the device demo'd couldn't be further from being an Airport Extreme if it tried.

    selena gomez 2011 hairstyles. Selena Gomez Hairstyle
  • Selena Gomez Hairstyle

  • G58
    Nov 7, 03:39 PM
    Or because it's an interesting debate that engages many minds in varying aspects of the possibilities.

    Or maybe you're just incapable of recognising the fact that Mac users, on average, are smarter than PC users.

    And by smarter, I mean we're more enquiring. We also tend not to write using lower case letters at the beginning of sentences, and use poor grammar. Why does that matter?, you might ask. Well, for a start, it's incorrect. But it's also ignorant and rude and immature.

    So, when we debate, for five minutes or for a few days, maybe the smart thing to do is pay attention. The experience may just fill in the obvious gaps in your education.

    the reason this topic has gotten so long is due to the fact that most apple fans have no idea what they're talking about..
    they love apple and they will defend it to the death, even when their argument has no logic..

    this has nothing to do with which product is better..

    it's the simple fact that android will be available on a greater number of handsets compared to apple..

    you guys need to look at the Microsoft vs Apple situation..
    regardless of what you prefer or believe is a better product,
    the one that makes software and licenses it out dominates the market share

    you really must have a thick skull not to understand that..

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  • BWhaler
    Jul 11, 11:47 PM
    I certainly don't know, but in the past I thought Apple would of gone with the Conroe chip.

    But Apple is being very aggressive these days, and appears to be going to marketshare now that Microsoft is showing serious signs of aging.

    My hope is for the Woodcrest chip. I would buy that in a heart beat since it is 64 bit and more future proof. A conroe system will make me wait out a year (like I did with the MBPros...I've been waiting on the real chip the Core 2 Duo...)

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  • GraphicArmy
    Jul 11, 11:07 PM
    Yeah, I hope apple lower their price point for the pro models. It is way too much. I love mac computer, but come on; the prices vs the PC suckass.

    I know Macs are way better then PC, but PCs are good tool too.

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  • Selena Gomez#39;s concert

  • fishkorp
    Mar 18, 05:47 AM
    I'm waiting for the class action lawsuit as this is wrong. The service that people have bought is not somehow giving them more bandwidth or a higher amount of download data simply because they are tethering through the phone. The phone can only download so fast to begin with so any device you connect to it will still be limited.

    Will never happen. The contract you signed with AT&T specifically says the required data plan cannot be tethered without an additional fee. You agreed not to do it, they have every right to punish those that break the contract.

    selena gomez 2011 hairstyles. Selena Gomez Hair
  • Selena Gomez Hair

  • Icy1007
    Apr 8, 11:21 PM
    This is great and all, but Apple should start supporting gaming on Mac OS X more. First step would be to improve their implementation of OpenGL.

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  • UnixMac
    Oct 7, 06:54 PM

    I share your very pro-mac attitude, but it IS pro-mac to call a spade a spade. I hate to admit it too, but Wintel is getting faster and faster and we're sitting still.

    OS X is an amazing Unix based os that should Scream in every app, and yet Wintel is kicking our buts in 3D graphics which should be a mac relm. Instead of blindliy saying that Mac is best we should self examine and send Apple our opinion via their feedback on their website.

    I know that people hate car examples so I will use a totally different one. War history.

    Hitler was not only an evil Nazi facist, but he was once a corporal and knew little or nothing about war tactics/strategy. He had some of the greatest generals of the 20th century working for him. Field Marshalls Von Manstein, Von Rundstedt, Rommel & ColonelGeneral Guderian but to name a few. Read up on military history, these were great leaders of fighting men, and Hitler was a politician.
    They constantly told him that he was doing things wrong and he just refused to listen, to the point of firing all of them at one time or another for telling him The Truth Now, granted, we are better off that Hitler lost (those Generals themselve were even happy about it) but that proves that you gain nothing by denying the truth.

    now back to Apple. Apple is only gonna make machines that are faster than Intel (i.e. G5, G6 etc...) if we DEMAND it. If we are content with 800MHz note books, while IBM makes 2.0GHz and Alienware makes 2.6GHz ones that smoke us, then we are doing ourselves a disservice.

    I am a dedicated Apple user, but only because of OS X, until OS X, I was a Windows guy and wanted an Apple, becasue back in 2000, the G4 was the top. I figured that between the G4 and Unix, I was gonna be top. But Apple has stood still (compared to Wintel) and I am starting to get anxious, and so are others.

    there, I've said my $.02............can we still be friends?

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  • Selena Gomez Long hair styles

  • ftaok
    Sep 12, 03:40 PM
    Now, who wants to start speculating when this device will become the long-rumored TiVO killer? Doesn't look like there's much room back there to fit in a coax - seems like Apple missed out on a decent opportunity...
    The speculation from my general area is that Apple will never (never say never, right..) make a DVR. It's not in their interest to make a DVR. There are several companies that are doing the DVR thing for Macs (el gato and Migila) and IMO, Apple shouldn't tread those waters.

    As for a Tivo killer, there's too much going against it for Apple to do. First of all, to do a DVR right, it's going to cost the end user a ton of money. The Tivo Series 3 will cost $800 (less with rebates) plus the monthly fees. Tivo's going to have a tough time convincing people to buy the S3 when the cablecos have an option available for $10/month.

    Here's what I would like Apple to do. Open up Front Row so that companies like el gato can integrate their eyeTV software into the Front Row system. That way, I can have a Mac sitting in the office with an eyeTV box to record HD programming off of cable. Then, I could have an iTV in my living room to play the recorded material onto my 46" LCD HDTV (which I haven't bought yet).

    If I want, I could initiate a purchase of a movie from iTMS (provided the quality of the movies are good) from the iTV itself so that it downloads onto the Mac in the office. A rental plan would be even better. That way, I could completely isolate myself from the real world.


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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 12, 11:34 PM
    Now Steven Spelberg can tweek the Star Wars movies.

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  • roland.g
    Sep 20, 10:28 AM
    I'm quit sure Steve Jobs demonstrated it to him in his house.Informing him about the hard drive.

    I want to get invited to Steve's house for a BBQ. I'll bring the beer if he supplies the Apples. ;)

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  • Selena Gomez: 2011 Disney

  • CaoCao
    Mar 24, 11:01 PM
    Perhaps I missed something but these all appear to be acts of violence against homosexuals. Don't get me wrong, they are horrible acts but I believe that CaoCao specifically stated acts motivated by mainstream Catholicism.

    exactly, subtract the gangs, the mentally unstable, the non-Catholics and the inconclusively because the victim was homosexual and see where we are

    Oct 26, 11:28 PM
    I don't think Cloverton will run on standard DDR2. Kentsfield sure but doesn't Xeon REQUIRE ECC/FB-DIMM?Yeah, you are correct it would have to be Kentsfield because of the Xeon chipset/motherboard design requires ECC/FB-DIMMs.

    What you are asking for will be Kentsfield not single Clovertown.You are correct, I lumped both 4 core chips under the Clovertown name.

    I would love a Kentsfield "desktop" based tower but I don't know if Apple wants to add another product line.

    Apr 28, 08:31 AM
    By that definition, the internal combustion engine is nothing but a fad. I think maybe you're just not familiar with what the word "fad" actually means Check it out:

    I am quite familiar, perhaps you should read it again.

    a temporary fashion, notion, manner of conduct, etc., especially one followed enthusiastically by a group.

    The iPod was introduced in hit popularity in 2003 / when it was later replaced (in the eyes of masses of people buying them) by the iPhone, and later iPod Touch as the next "new thing".

    Do you still see masses of people with White or Black iPods? Or do you see them carrying iPhones or iPod Touches now?

    What has been on the news recently the most, sought after by most Apple fans? I don't think it is the iPod.

    Jun 13, 06:08 PM
    The perfect solution would be for apple to give all US carriers the Iphone. Then we can go and pick the network that works best. People that like At&t stay with At&t, if you want Verizon or t-mobile then go, that way we all live happy. It�s your call Apple :apple: we customers deserve to choose our carrier for our iphone.

    I agree ;)

    Sep 12, 05:27 PM

    Looks like the only thing I had wrong was the hard drive eh? ;)

    But it looks like a little of what we were both talking about..

    We'll call it even eh? :)

    Mar 18, 06:04 PM
    Apple's "fix" for this is fairly simple. Send the files in an ecrypted form. In order to maximize caching, use a common key that all iTunes clients have built-in, sort of like DVDs and CES. The client can then decrypt with the common key and re-encrypt with the DRM key.Don't iTMS and iTunes already do this?According to wikipedia (, that's right...

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