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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Eset Smart Security

Eset Smart Security. %IMG_DESC_1%
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  • tk421
    Nov 29, 11:50 AM
    I apologize as I have not read through all the comments as yet but if this goes through, how long before we see the request for these types of fees for all PC/Mac sales as those are used to download and listen to music as well?

    May as well add the fee to headphones. Don't forget speakers, receivers, cables, speaker wire. And cars, since many people listen to pirated music there. Oh, and add the fee on the monthly electricity bill (can't pirate music without electricity!) and any medical procedure involving the ears or hearing.

    Eset Smart Security. %IMG_DESC_2%
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  • MacSA
    Aug 7, 05:32 PM
    As a recent switcher to Mac, I have had a lot of experience with M$'s System Restore function. It is NOT a "go back and find that data I deleted" application. It IS a "can we please go back to a time when this computer wasn't totally ********* up" application.

    I know, I cant believe people are comparing it to the sytem restore on Windows... sys restore on my PC is total bollocks and never solved any problem I had.

    Eset Smart Security. %IMG_DESC_3%
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  • scaredpoet
    Apr 7, 11:05 PM
    The difference to the customer is zero. Unavailable for purchase either way.

    Wrong. Every iPad 2 that was being held back by best Buy could've been sold to someone who ordered at Apple's site online, or at an Apple Store... or perhaps some other retailer who knows better than to artificially restrict supply when there's already a supply issue in evidence.

    If this report has any truth to it, Apple should be ashamed to nick-pick over semantics.

    If this report has any truth to it, Apple should be applauded for taking action against a retailer that was hoarding stock.

    I was considering buying an iPad2 from Best Buy. Glad I didn't. And know i'm reminded not to consider them again in the future.

    Every day Apple stores get shipments of iPads....but they don't sell them when the arrive. They hold them for the line that forms the next morning.

    Seems odd to me. Like they are purposely making a spectacle in front of the store every morning.

    Actually, the point (which was made clear when they started doing this, but you apparently missed) was to avoid a day-long spectacle of people standing in line in front of the store all day in the hopes that a shipment would come in mid day... meanwhile preventing other people from buying other things at the store, and causing disruptions throughout the day in shopping malls for other vendors. If you had seen the 2+ months of lines in front of Apple Stores when the iPhone 4 came out, you'd probably understand better.

    Selling the stock (and selling out of it) in the morning and making that clear to people is different from saying "we don't have any" when in fact you do and just would rather not sell them.

    Eset Smart Security. %IMG_DESC_4%
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  • matt.smith
    Apr 8, 01:07 AM
    To be fair - Apple themselves were doing the same thing - in the UK at least.

    I experienced, on a number of occasions, Apple Stores actually had stock in store available for reservation, but were forcing an entirely unnecessary, half an hour 'unboxing and setup' appointment.

    With only a few of these slots available - more often than not - the store would have plenty of iPad 2 stock available, but no appointments, so reservations were stopped and Apple Staff denying (and laughing in my face) that they had any remaining stock.

    Eset Smart Security. %IMG_DESC_5%
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  • appleguy123
    Feb 28, 07:39 PM
    They still can not have valid sacramental marriage

    Fornication doesn't matter if the person doesn't care about the religious connotations of marriage

    Greek culture also endorsed pederasty!

    You do realize that the Church did what doctors said to right? They followed the medical professional advice that after treatment they were harmless and could go back.

    Now priests can't even defend themselves, now it is guilty until proven innocent, also you don't get a trial to prove the innocence!
    Do you not think that the priests should be jailed for raping children?
    Crimes against children are usually seen badly in the public eye. The priests should not be an exception.

    Eset Smart Security. %IMG_DESC_6%
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  • SeaFox
    Apr 8, 01:49 AM
    Best Buy is now WORST BUY!!!!
    2004 called. They want their joke back. :rolleyes:

    I think it would be quite hilarious if Best Best lost their iPads and everyone had to go to ToysRUs instead. :D

    Eset Smart Security. %IMG_DESC_7%
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  • sjo
    Aug 11, 04:03 PM
    That may be, but I highly doubt every infant, elderly folks, and the poverty stricken all have cell phones. If that's the case, then I'd have to say that there are a lot of people who's financial priorities are kinda messed.

    No, not really. You see, mobile phone is cheaper to use than landline in many countries, especially for mobile to mobile calls. And when everyone else has a mobile phone, if you want to be connected you're better off buying a mobile.

    Eset Smart Security. %IMG_DESC_8%
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  • MattSepeta
    Apr 27, 02:35 PM
    Are you calling me a liar? I literally went to, opened the file in Illustrator, and moved the text around myself. :rolleyes:
    Some things never change. Laughably bias.

    Anyway, like I said, I'm sure there's an explanation... are there any graphic designers here who can help?

    I already explained it to you.

    When you scan things in, depending on the software, you are often given an option to "auto-inscribe" or something, I cant recall the term. The software then attempts to read the document and embed real type into the PDF, rarely succeeding. I'm assuming that the pieces that came through just happened to be the clearest to read.

    EDIT: They probably DO want the controversy to continue! If I was in his shoes I would be eating it up. Every story on a right-wing birther makes the centerists even more alienated from the right.

    Eset Smart Security. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • msb3079
    Apr 7, 10:59 PM
    Obviously you know little about retail and accounting.

    I was a manager at Circuit City for several years and I could not disagree any more.

    The quicker you move stock, the better.

    Obviously, you DON'T know.

    Eset Smart Security. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • Cameront9
    Aug 7, 06:35 PM
    I am not hearing impaired, but I often watch TV and movies with the closed captioning on. I cannot really say what about it makes it more enjoyable to me--no one has ever understood why I do it, maybe it has to do with how I process information (I do have trouble listening in lecture classes, maybe a learning disability etc.), but my point is to say that I am also interested in getting closed captioning on iTunes shows.

    I wrote to Apple on the feedback part of their web-site about this. I was wondering if you might know better what the law is about closed captioning. I always assumed it was required for network television shows. Is it not for network shows that appear online?

    Anyhow, it's functionality I would definitely like to see.

    Online is a grey area because it's new...

    I'm not completely familiar with Closed Captioning laws. I believe all new TVs are required to have a Closed-Captioning decoder, and I think that all Network shows (and maybe cable-based, too) have to be captioned.

    A quick Google gives this:

    Which explains in more detail...

    Regardless, I have seen a number of hearing-impaired users comment on the issue before. It would be so simple to implement, after all...

    Eset Smart Security. %IMG_DESC_11%
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  • Chupa Chupa
    Apr 10, 12:03 PM
    DVD Studio Pro will get a full overhaul and fully support The Bag of Hurt Blu-ray -- on an external burner for the new iMacs which will also be announced. Again, physical media gets an external treatment and the application will be the sperate step child of the newly integrated Final Studio.

    Based on the video I'd be betting the other way; that DVD SP will not get updated. It will be supported, but on the way out.

    Physical media's relevancy is waning by the day. And if Apple has a "be where the puck will be" attitude then it's not going to put energy in propping up a dying war horse.

    If you need a one-off Blu-Ray disc you can already out put to Blu-Ray via Compressor then burn via Toast. I can see Apple declaring hard media dead before I see it enhancing support BD-R.

    Eset Smart Security. %IMG_DESC_12%
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  • samcraig
    Apr 25, 04:06 PM
    1. the lawsuit may have merit HOWEVER - the restitution being sought is silly because I am sure that the two people suing could have or still could return their devices for a refund or store credit.

    2. If this was a suit brought up against Google for the same thing - those defending Apple would be ripping Google (or anyone else) a new one. But clearly because it's Apple being targeted it's a witch hunt?

    3.the iPhone 4 had an antenna issue. Steve flat out said so. He said that ALL phones have an issue. That doesn't negate the iPhone having one. Oh - but this was LONG after his email to me (and others) that there was NO issue. Backpeddled on that one only after Consumer Reports refused to give the iPhone a good review. Suddenly there was a press conference and finger pointing (poorly) at every other phone manufacturer

    I suspect the same will happen here. Apple will be in the cross hairs. Justifiably or not. And when push comes to shove - they will throw anyone and everyone under the bus (ATT, Google, etc) for doing the same thing.

    Eset Smart Security. %IMG_DESC_13%
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  • KEL9000
    Jul 14, 04:14 PM
    No, actually. Apple technically supports HD-DVD as well, since are a member of the DVD Forum, which backs HD-DVD. :cool:

    I wasn't being a smartass.

    The list of steering members excludes apple but includes sony. I don't think that that is relevant. The standard member list has everybody associated with DVDs in it.

    I suspect they will choose one format over the other because all the systems (except potetially the MacPro) apple makes will only have one optical drive. Forcing them to choose a standard for media delivery.

    Eset Smart Security. %IMG_DESC_14%
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  • Cooknn
    Aug 16, 10:43 PM
    I still love my PowerPC Mac. I'm gonna shed a tear some day when I retire it. This thing is rock solid and fast (enough) :cool:

    Eset Smart Security. %IMG_DESC_15%
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  • samcraig
    Apr 27, 08:18 AM
    and the very next day apple will be swamped with support calls asking why it's taking so long to get one's location

    No they won't. They're not going to delete the DB - they're only storing a week. Did you read the story?

    Eset Smart Security. %IMG_DESC_16%
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  • ccrandall77
    Aug 11, 03:58 PM
    Only if you have an active subscription on all of them. That's the number the graph behind the link shows.
    That may be, but I highly doubt every infant, elderly folks, and the poverty stricken all have cell phones. If that's the case, then I'd have to say that there are a lot of people who's financial priorities are kinda messed.

    Eset Smart Security. %IMG_DESC_17%
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  • gekko513
    Jul 14, 10:08 PM
    The pricing seems reasonable compared to the current models.

    I agree that it would be nice to have a cheaper upgradable model, but unless they introduce a new middle range with a different and cheaper design all around, I don't see it happening.

    Eset Smart Security. %IMG_DESC_18%
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  • ezekielrage_99
    Aug 17, 01:19 AM
    Yes...Photoshop can only run under Rosetta on the Intel machines...there's no universal version of it.

    It was just the performance was dam quick I just wasn't sure if there was an Intel version out or not, either way that is killer performance.

    Eset Smart Security. %IMG_DESC_19%
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  • croooow
    Apr 8, 07:56 AM
    ...Why in anybody's right mind would best buy not sell what they have?

    This may have already been said. But some stores will hold onto stock of a hot selling item because it will be posted in a weekly newspaper ad.:cool:

    So, if they have the hot selling item at the time (in this case, iPad 2) on a Wednesday or Thursday and aren't getting any shipments until the next week but have an upcoming Sunday flyer featuring that item, they will hold the item in the back until Sunday. They don't want to be sold out before they open on the day the item is advertised in the paper.:eek:

    So weird that in 2011 stores selling the latest electronics care about newspapers.:rolleyes:

    Nov 29, 12:19 AM
    No way Jose...hahahahahahahaha

    How much did they invest in the development in the iPod. Yah right just as I though, zip. If MS is that stupid, it just shows what leverage they have on the market for their Zune

    Aug 5, 07:43 PM
    To me the answer to the whole IR/Mac Pro/Front Row thing is obvious - put an integrated IR receiver into the keyboard. The keyboard would come with the Mac Pro (unlike the display) and is rarely under the desk. :)

    Plus they could sell the keyboard for any Mac (including ones that don't have Front Row - they could include the app with it).

    Don't like it. I don't want a new keyboard - I just want FR. Besides, anyone with an older laptop would not be served by that. Just put a USB dongle in the case and sell it with the software!

    Jul 20, 10:58 AM
    I got it!

    The Macintosh Quadra!

    No, wait . . . .

    Pure Genius...

    Apr 27, 03:01 PM
    Wait until he tells us which right-wing fringe website he was on so you can go read the instructions and try to recreate this silly pointless endeavor.

    (edit) Whack-a-doodle website with Illustrator instructions ( Is this it Fivepoint?

    Or is it this other nutty site (

    Oh boy. Fivepoint, you wouldn't have happened to visit any such site, now would you?

    The birthers have moved on to say that because Obama "doesn't have allegiance to America" or some BS like that, he is now no longer a natural born citizen ( :rolleyes:

    Oh boy.

    EDIT- Oh looky! Fivepoint, you never disappoint.

    Am I a liar? I have no idea if you're doing it right, or if you are even using Illustrator, or if the PDF was replaced with a single-layer/object one. Just do a Google search for 'obama birth certificate layers' and you'll see that I'm not the only one who downloaded a file with multiple layers or objects or whatever.

    And why are you concerning yourself with this? Because you're unbiased?

    Mar 31, 08:13 PM
    Google wants to do with android, what apple has been doing for the past 4 years with ios. Actually make money!

    The only reason google made android open source was to get a lot of money invested in the ecosystem (HTC is basically dependent on android now). I see google charging handset manufacturers like HTC for it's OS in the near future.

    Because when all is said and done, Google is a company and like any other company, it's goal is profit.

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